Saturday, November 21, 2009

Okay, Now What?

Okay, so my love-of-my-life boyfriend dumped me a couple months ago. After going through a number of stages (the "I Can Convince Him to Stay With Me" stage, the "I Understand His Point of View and This is Okay" stage, the "Holy Shit This is NOT Okay" stage [absolute panic], the "I'll Pretend I'm Over Him So He Misses Me" stage, the "This Time I Really Can Convince Him to Stay With Me" stage, etc.), I eventually arrived at the "Fuck You, I'm Not Spending Another Second Depressed Over You" stage.

Now, as most of us know, the "Fuck You, I'm Not Spending Another Second Depressed Over You" stage usually involves a new "companion." Mine was the roommate of a friend's boyfriend. We met at a Thanksgiving pub crawl in Boston. Honestly, after 7 hours of chugging vodka, I probably would've picked the first guy who showed any interest in me. This guy happened to be the one.

We went out five or six times. Maybe I would've really liked him under different circumstances. Maybe not. Who knows?

All I know is I'm beginning to remember how frustrating it is to be single. I mean, there are a lot of nice people out there. Good people. But it's pretty rare to find someone with whom you "click."

I'm pretty sure the New Guy thinks we "click." He's made that pretty apparent... say, for example, when he rested his head on my shoulder while we were sitting in the movie theater watching Role Models. Or when he told me that he knew we were going to get married. His horoscope told him so.

Clearly he's not grasping the concept of taking things slowly. Oh well, at least he helped me get through my Fuck You, I'm Not Spending Another Second Depressed Over You stage.

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